Thursday, July 4, 2013

Why the prophet Muhamed married a 9 years old girl ?

The most common question about marriage in islam and about prophet Muhamed's ( PBUH) life is that question .......

Why the prophet Muhamed married a 9 years old girl ? 
How come Allah allows such thing !!!?
isn't awful to marry a young girl !

Im answering with smile and asking you question ,,,

Why his companions didn't blame him for what he did ?
even more , Why his enemy ( non-muslims) didn't take advantage and blame him and they were fighting islam and they just wanted a little thing to say this isn't a real religion ??
How come no one blamed him for this marriage ?
because back in time it was common thing , the girls after their first period they get married so no one blamed prophet Muhamed back in time for marrying a 9 years old girl .

There was a lot of bad traditions back in time,BUT
doesn't islam came to correct them ? not to get involve with it ?

Islam came to correct the wrongs and give the women their rights and treat every one equally by 
1- giving the woman the right to accept the marriage or refuse . and there wasn't such thing back in  times. the girl should obey her father to marry the man he picked for her . so she was like a furniture her father sell it to the highest better or to whoever pays more  .
2-  giving her the right to ask for divorce . and that's also wasn't an option for the women back in time , when the women can't workout with her husband because of the beating and the bad behavior and ..and... she just kill her self . but when the islam came the women got the right to ask for divorce and if he refused she can go to the judge and he divorces her .

Okay but why prophet Muhamed married aisha when she is 9 and why is aisha ?

First we agreed that the marriage by then wasn't something unnatural or something bad and the reasons is ... the Arab or the Bedouin whom lives in the desert the women used to have their periods in 7 and 8 years . and don't be surprised ( osama bin zaid ) he was only 16 and he was the leader of the most powerful army by then . so the women grow up fast . PLUS...

DID YOU KNOW  ( aisha ) before the prophet Muhamed propose to her , there is a man called 
( gubair bin motem) to marry her .? 
No , i did not know that 
But even if she was in the marriage age by then . why her , what's in it for islam ?

I mention in the previous topic the reasons why the prophet Muhamed married all his wife and each marriage were for a reason that benefits islam , but i will mention specifically why aisha ...

* The prophet Muhamed's best friend ( abu bakr ) the first one who believed in prophet Muhamed and he was with him in al hejra from mecca to al madina so he wanted to bound his relationship to the prophet and his daughter was in the marriage age and people started to propose , so he choosed the best man that he can trust him and trust he will treat his daughter good .

** AISHA  was very intelligent and smart girl so prophet Muhamed needed her to teach other women even after he dies, because all of his wives wasn't in young age , and that exactly what happened after he dies. she lived many years after the prophet Muhamed dies and she was the  fountain of the knowledge all the people was learning from it . 

*** She accepted the prophet Muhamed to be her husband from which she heard about his ethics and his manner and she had all the well to accept or not . and people were proposing to her from which they heard about her intelligent and behavior . but she choosed the prophet Muhamed .

I hope inshallah that i said enough , and if you have any questions about it feel free to contact me
jazakom allah khiran wassalamu alikum w rahmt allah w barakatuh .

Wrote by :
Mak omar