Wednesday, June 19, 2013

why would i become a muslim ?

one of the most common question is why would i wanna be a muslim ? why would i put my self under a lot of restrictions ? why would i choose that religion ? why would i wanna live in that kind of life style ?
you see a lot of people wondering about this questions especially in the western society where they  have more freedom and more liberty ..,

before the islam comes what was happening in the world ?
before 1500 years
(Suadi arabia )

in suadi arebia before the islam comes arab used to bury their daughters alive , so when the women is pregnant the husband waits till she give birth and if he is a boy , he invites every one for big meals and drinks and they celebrate , but when she gives a birth to a girl , he has only two ways ( live with a shame and raise her ) or live with dignity and bury her . that was traditions between them at the time . 
till the islam came with the greatest gift by the time which was the equality between the boy and the girl and forbid all his followers from burying their daughters alive . as it came in the quran *  و اذا الموءدة سؤلت باي ذنب قتلت *  ( when the little buried kids ask . what was our fault to deserve it ).

( Egypt )

the old egyptian civilization had an old tradition , that every year they have to choose the prettiest girl in the country and throw her a live in the nile river , so the gods will keep their water in the river and not to dry . till the islam came and forbid them to do such thing as it came in the quran * ولا تقتلو النفس التي حرم الله الا بالحق * ( do not kill any innocent soul allah created it )

( Europe )

586 in franc courts , they published that the women does not has the right of owing any properties , or any land and once her husband is dead , all his property belongs to the country .
in england , the law gives the right to the husband to sell his wife whenever he want . and also has the right to exchange her with someone's wife .
till the islam came to europe and published his rules and his principles and forbid the rules that was letting the women sell and bought as a trading goods . as the prophet muhamed said * رفقا بالقوارير * ( easy on the women )

so the islam came to risk the humanity from dying out and put rules to keep the life going . 

"that was thousand year ago , Islam doesn't fit in the modern world now "

i hear most of the people say that , it's a new world we walked on the moon now and we have fighter jets and we have planes and big ships , i can't wear a white dress and stay at the mosque pray .
islam isn't just religion stays in mosques and homes , islam is a life style in ( work - public - homes)
islam doesn't say you just lock your self at the basement or at the mosque and pray and grow beard . it's the opposite ,,, and the prove is in the quran allah said to the prophet muhamed * و قل اعملو فسيري الله عملكم ورسوله و المؤمنون * ( work hard , because every one will see it . allah , the prophet and the people ) . and the prophet muhamed said ( allah likes the people who do good in their works )   

wooow !! really!! so any career  islam want us to be the best in it ?? 

yes , that's right , islam command you and order you to be the best in any career .( medicine - engineering - science - art - education - business - sport ) 
prophet muhamed said ( the strong muslim is better to allah than the weak one , seek strength from allah and don't say i can't )  and he said ( the hand that gives and works is better than the hand it takes ) .
that's what islam teach us . and that's what the real muslim should be .

if the islam command you to be the best , why muslim countries are third world now ?

let me give you an example ... in the medicine field , all the doctors studied the same material , how come one of the doctor get very successful and the other is not ? they both studied the same material , same science , same objectives . but it depends on the individuals not in the material.
so you can't judge the religion upon individuals action .and to prove that ...
before the first war world , the egyptian pound = 4 USD . they economy was very good by then ,
in 1990 one egyptian pound = 1 USD . in 2013  ...1 USD = 6 egyptian pound . after 30 years of dictatory . but should i say is the islam was the reason that the arab and muslim countries are the third world ? no i can not . because the wrong side was on the individual not on the religion .

 " islam and fun don't mix "

a lot of people say , if im a muslim , i can't drink , i can't take a girl friend , i can't ..i can't.. i cant. and i should ... that's pleasure killer man . 
do you know that the highest percent of suicide cases in the whole world are in the western society and the highest selling anti depressing drugs in the western society ! but why ? they don't have any restrictions , they can drink , they can sleep around , they have money ,  they can do whatever they want ... 
but you know the truth which is non of that cause you happiness , because it's something inside , something in your soul , something touch your heart and you don't know what it is .
so we agreed that alchohol , or adultery , or hash , or ..or that is not a measure for happiness ,,,
so the islam isn't against happiness measures . it doesn't stand between the person and his happiness .... but wait ......        
can i still have fun even when im a muslim ..??

prophet muhamed him self , and his companions were having fun at the mosque . ,,, really ??!!
yes , ali bin abi taleb he was the prophet's cousin . and he was really strong , so he was wrestling his friends at the mosque , and he was winning every match , till the prophet muhamed covered his face so no one will organize him , and he asked ali to wrestle him , then the prophet muhamed won , and every body was shocked , then the prophet muhamed un conver his face . and when the man asked him he said ( from hour to hour take a brake because the hearts get bored ) .  and look at omar bin al khattab one of the most powerful khlifa in islam ( was ruling the third of the world ) he said ... teach your kids swimming and horse riding and arrow games . ) 

 "i don't wanna be ostracized from the society " 

i hear people say if i convert to islam , all my friends will walk away from me , and even my family will treat me bad , and the society will be afraid of me and i will be alone .
maybe you are right , but it's only temporary time at the beginning but if you follow the islamic rules they won't be able to walk away from you , and how come they will walk away when you are treating every one with respect , and with big smile on your face , and visiting them when they are sick , and congrats them when they have a occasions , and send them gifts , and help them when they need you ,,,  woooow  really ? is the islam command me to do all that ..?
yes , here an example from the prophet muhamed him self ... he has a neighbor that was bothering him every day , that neighbor takes the trash from his house and put it front of  the prophet muhamed's house , every day ,,, and when prophet muhamed open the door. he just smile and take the trash away , one day in the morning prophet muhamed didn't find his neighbor trash , so he ask the people around him what happen to him , so the people said he is sick , that's when prophet muhamed decided to visit him , so when he visited him with bag of fruits , the neighbor said no one do that except prophets . and he converted to islam . 
listen to all what prophet muhamed said ...( treat people with good behavior ) ...( meet your friend with smile on your face ) .... ( i don't see any good better than enter happiness in your friends ) . 
if you have behavior like that , who would ostracized you or treat you bad ..!! 
that's what Islam teach us , to be a good people to our selves , and our families and our friends , and our societies .

please if you have any questions or comments ,,send message and i will reply as soon as possible .
jazakom allah khiran w assalamu alikum ( peace be upon you )

wrote by :
Mak omar